Blackheath Primary School

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Welcome to Blackheath Primary School

On behalf of the Governors, the staff, the pupils and ourselves it gives us great pleasure to welcome you to our website. We hope that it will be informative and also give you a flavour of our school community, values and ethos.

Our school day for pupils begins at 08:45am and ends at 3:20pm for pupils and they attend school for a total of 32 hours and 55 minutes a week.

All Nursery children are entitled to attend nursery for 15 hours a week. Some Nursery children are also entitled to an extra 15 hours a week. Please speak to our School Business Manager if you think you may be eligible.

Our school has a friendly learning environment, created by a hard-working staff team, a supportive governing body, enthusiastic parents and inquisitive children. Expectations for behaviour and learning are high from Nursery up to Year 6. Our school values (responsibility, empathy, smart, politeness, empower, care and team) help our children develop to make a positive contribution to society, now and in the future. We are extremely fortunate to have a relatively new, well-equipped building and fantastic outside space.

We are proud of our school and we work extremely hard to ensure that the development of the whole child is at the heart of everything we do. Every child has the opportunity to experience a range of learning experiences through our rich and varied curriculum. These include regular educational visits, visitors in school, free swimming lessons, free music lessons, forest schools, yoga lessons, specialist PE lessons and educational workshops.

All visitors are welcome to our school so if you would like a guided tour, please contact the school office.

Thank you for visiting.

Warmest regards

Mrs Anna McElwee & Mr Matt Hytch
Co Headteachers