Blackheath Primary School

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Anti Bullying

We are proud at Blackheath of our Values and do all we can to support children to behave correctly. We address bullying under our S.T.O.P agenda which stands for ‘Several Times On Purpose’ & to ‘Start Telling Other People’. This approach is driven throughout school life, in assemblies, curriculum, class PHSE and through wider work such as the achievement of the Gold Anti-Bullying Quality Mark, the second Nationally to achieve this. 
We understand that as children learn to grow up into responsible adults, they may need support with their actions and behaviours at times. We therefore strive to support children and families to make sure that if there are any bullying behaviours, that these are dealt with quickly and supportively, both for the victim and perpetrator.
If you or your child need any further support please contact the school where we would be happy to deploy resources such as our Learning Mentor, Family Support Worker to help families by contacting the school.
Here are some links to materials to help:
Blackheath Anti Bullying Policy
Online safety policy
Report any online safety concerns using CEOP button